Modern Slavery Statement 2022

At Vape Club USA, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. We are dedicated to promoting human rights, preventing modern slavery, and ensuring that our operations, supply chains, and business practices are free from any form of exploitation.

Our Approach:

  1. Policy and Commitment: We have implemented a robust Modern Slavery Policy that outlines our commitment to eradicating modern slavery in all its forms. This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners associated with Vape Club USA.
  2. Risk Assessment: We regularly assess and monitor the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. We identify potential risk areas and take appropriate measures to address and mitigate those risks.
  3. Supply Chain Transparency: We strive for transparency in our supply chain and expect our suppliers and partners to share our commitment to ethical business practices. We engage with suppliers who uphold the highest standards of labor rights, fair treatment, and dignity for all workers.
  4. Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence to ensure that our suppliers and partners adhere to our ethical standards. This includes evaluating their policies, procedures, and practices related to human rights, labor rights, and modern slavery prevention.
  5. Collaboration and Partnerships: We actively engage with industry associations, organizations, and initiatives that focus on combating modern slavery. We collaborate with like-minded stakeholders to share best practices, exchange knowledge, and collectively work towards eradicating modern slavery.
  6. Employee Awareness and Training: We provide ongoing training and awareness programs to our employees, ensuring they understand the risks of modern slavery and their role in preventing it. We encourage them to report any concerns or suspicions promptly.

Reporting and Compliance:

If any employee, supplier, or individual associated with Vape Club USA suspects or identifies a violation of our Modern Slavery Policy, we encourage them to report it immediately through our confidential reporting channels. We are committed to investigating all reported cases promptly, taking appropriate action, and ensuring confidentiality and protection for whistleblowers.

This Modern Slavery Statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK) and represents our commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms.

Review and Improvement:

We are dedicated to continually reviewing and improving our practices to combat modern slavery. We regularly evaluate our policies, procedures, and due diligence processes to align with evolving best practices and legal requirements.


At Vape Club USA, we are resolute in our stance against modern slavery. We remain committed to promoting human rights, preventing exploitation, and working towards a future free from modern slavery. Our ongoing efforts aim to create a positive impact within our organization, supply chains, and the wider community.

For further information or to report any concerns related to modern slavery, please contact us at [email protected]

Date: [Insert Date] Signed: [Insert Name] Position: [Insert Position] Vape Club USA

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